July 2023 Regular Board of Education Meeting

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President


Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board MemberX  
Mr. Mike Grady, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill Hope, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Mr. Dennis Long, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill McFarland, Board MemberX  
Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board MemberX  
Mr. Royden Smith, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Erin Stine, Board Member   
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board MemberX  

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President


No questions or discussions.  Sent to Vote.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Mike Grady, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board Member

Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board MemberX  
Mr. Mike Grady, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill Hope, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Mr. Dennis Long, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill McFarland, Board MemberX  
Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board MemberX  
Mr. Royden Smith, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Erin Stine, Board Member   
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board MemberX  

4.1 Approve June 19, 2023 Board of Education Meeting Minutes
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

4.2 Adopt Handbooks for the 2023-2024 School Year

4.3 Approve Contracted Services for 2023-2024 School Year
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. NIckoli that the contracted services for the 2023-2024 school year be approved as follows:

  • Adjunct Instructors for the Performing Arts Program - David Crane, Dauphne Maloney, Aaron Nicolas and Lori Turner.
  • Social Worker / Mental Health Counseling - Dr. Michael Patton

4.4 Approve Career Coach Updated Job Description
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the attached updated Career Coach job description be approved.

4.5 Approve Agreement with SPARC Council Career Coach Services
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the agreement with Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center (MOESC) SPARC Council for Career Coaches for 2023-2024 be approved.

4.6 Approve College Credit Plus (CCP) Courses for 2023-2024 School Year
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the College-Credit Plus (CCP) course be approved for the 2023-2024 school year.

4.7 Approve Course Curriculum for 2023-2024 School Year
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following course curriculums be approved commencing with the 2023-2024 school year:

  • American Government for 1/2 credit
  • Financial Literacy for 1/2 credit
  • Economics & Financial Literacy for 1/2 credit

4.8 Approve Career Awareness Use of Funds Plan
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the Career Awareness Use of Funds Plan be approved.

4.9 Approve Marketing Agreement with Source Brand Solutions for 2023-2024
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the advertising agreement with Source Brand Solutions for the 2023-2024 school year be approved.

4.10 Approve Avita Health Systems as Medical Facility Site for Physicals for Bus and Van Drivers
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the Avita Health Systems be approved for the Medical Facility for physicals for bus and van drivers for the 2023-2024 school year.

4.11 Approve Cost of Cafeteria Breakfast, Lunch and Milk Prices for 2023-2024 School Year
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. NIckoli that the following Cafeteria breakfast and lunch costs for the 2023-2024 school year be approved:

  • Breakfast - $1.25
  • Reduced Breakfast - $0.30
  • Lunch - $3.00
  • Reduced Lunch - $0.40
  • Adult Lunch - $4.00
  • Milk purchased outside of lunch - $0.50

4.12 Approve Revisions to Policy and Administrative Guidelines
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following revisions to Policies and Administrative guidelines be approved:

    • AG 5500 - Student Conduct in School
    • PO 0131.1 - Technical Corrections 
    • PO 1615 - Tobacco Use Prevention - (Administration)
    • PO 2271 - College Credit Plus Program
    • PO 2412 - Homebound Instruction Program
    • PO 3215 - Tobacco Use Prevention (Professional Staff)
    • PO 4215 - Tobacco Use Prevention (Classified Staff)
    • PO 5310 - Health Services
    • PO 5512 - Tobacco Use Prevention (Students)
    • PO 5610 - Removal, Suspension, Expulsion and Permanent Exclusion of Students
    • PO 7434 - Tobacco Use Prevention (On School Premises)
    • PO 7540 - Technology
    • PO 7540.01 - Technology Privacy
    • PO 7540.02 - Web Accessibilty, Content, Apps and Services
    • PO 7540.03 - Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety
    • PO 7540.04 - Staff Technology Acceptable Use and Safety
    • PO 8300 - Continuity of Organizational Operations Plan
    • PO 8305 - Information Security
    • PO 8315 - Information Management
    • PO 8390 - Animals on District Property
    • PO 9160 - Public Attendance at School Events
    • PO 9700.01 -  Advertising and Commercial Activities
    • PO 3120.09 - Volunteers
    • PO 4120.09 - Volunteers
    • PO 3120 - Volunteers

4.13 Approve Revisions to Hourly Pay Schedule
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that revisions be made to the hourly pay schedule for employees not covered by the Master Agreement.

4.14 Accept Donations
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following donations be accepted:

  • Dawn Wright-Smith, Blackbaud Giving Fund, Charleston, SC: generous monetary donation of $60 to the Pioneer Alumni Endowment fund.  This fund is used for annual student scholarships.

Linda Schumacher, Treasurer


Treasurer Schumacher reported as follows:

Busy times in fiscal offices.  We went to close the PNC bank accounts and they told us they had to process a request to close the Sweep Account.  I called a few days later to find out where they were in this process and they had not heard anything from the main office, but said we could come over and take a withdrawal to 0 the balance and then when the authorization was complete we could just close the account.  That is what we did.  We went back to Willard and they wrote Pioneer a check to zero out the balance.  Then 2 days later, they credited interest and charge us a fee for closing the account.  Therefore, there is a small balance still in PNC.  I received an email Monday that said the account was approved for closure.  I will go tomorrow and, hopefully, get these closed for good.

SWSF fund 467 is spent as you can see by the zero balance.  We will now be spending SWSF monies out of the General Fund as we receive foundation payments.

GEER is either spent or encumbered.  We should have the final spending finished in July.

I have heard from the OFCC concerning the closeout.  I received the Closeout Calculator and told Greg I guess we get to keep the entire lawsuit settlement because they didn’t include it in the closeout.  About an hour later I received another email stating that she didn’t realize there was a lawsuit involved in the closeout and she would process the calculations again and send it to me.  It looks as though we are finally going to get this project closed.

Year-end shows our General Fund balance grew by $1.85M.  This is about $400,000 more than the forecast.  We ended up using a total of $415,000 for GEER and SWSF monies, which means we were only about $15,000 different from the General Fund forecast.  Those funds will no longer exist going forward so everything will revert back to General Fund expenses.

We have lots of Journal entries for year-end for your approval.

Please take a look at the year-end financial statements and let me know if you have any questions or concerns and we can discuss them in the August meeting.

We can now begin working on the GAAP conversion and then move on to the audit.  I have requested that Julian & Grube have the audit completed and posted before I leave in December.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Royden Smith, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board Member

Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board MemberX  
Mr. Mike Grady, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill Hope, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Mr. Dennis Long, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill McFarland, Board MemberX  
Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board MemberX  
Mr. Royden Smith, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Erin Stine, Board Member   
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board MemberX  

Gregory Nickoli, Superintendent



Sandy Grau, EAP President



Gregory Nickoli, Superintendent

Board Policy Section 0164



Gregory Nickoli, Superintendent



Mr. Mike Grady, Board Member



Gregory Nickoli, Superintendent


Superintendent Nickoli reported as follows:

Our staff has been working diligently getting the building ready for the 2023-2024 school year.  Mr. Kowalski has been especially pleased with the summer custodial staff.  They have all been working very hard and are ahead of schedule.  We always set a goal to be ready for Welcome Week which is August 8-11.

I am recommending that you allow us to enter into an agreement for consulting services that will allow us to proceed with the beginning steps of starting an LPN program for both our high school and adult education programs.  Working with the Ohio Board of Nursing at this level is unfamiliar to our staff and I believe this will help us facilitate and expedite the process so that we can meet our goal of starting the program for the 2024-2025 school year.

Doug Theaker, Board President, has asked me to place this on the agenda.  You will nominate a delegate and alternate for the OSBA Conference November 12–14 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.  We will be passing around a sign-up sheet for hotel reservations at the August Board meeting.  Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis so it will be very important that we know if you want us to make hotel reservations.  Any cancellations result in a $100 cancellation fee.

I’d like to invite you to our Annual Board Goal Setting session for the 2023-2024 academic year.  It will be conducted the morning of August 4th from 9:00am until Noon at The Vault Restaurant here in Shelby.  We will be following the same format as last year where you heard presentations by our Strategic Planning Team Leaders.  We look forward to Board Members joining the Administrative Team as we set the direction for Pioneer for the coming school year.

I am pleased to recommend the employment of Brittany Van Dine as an Educational Aide.  She comes to us from the Discovery School in Mansfield where she was an outstanding preschool educator.  She did an outstanding job throughout the hiring process and we are excited to have her join Pioneer.                         

All other personnel items are normal for this time of the year.

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following personnel recommedatons be approved:

  • Approve employment of Certificated personnel.
  • Approve mileage allowance for Certificated personnel.
  • Approve stipend contracts for Certificated personnel.
  • Approve Career Coaches for 2023-2024 School Year
  • Approve employment of Substitute Instructors.
  • Accept resignation of Part-time Classified personnel.
  • Approve employment of Classified personnel.
  • Approve employment of Substitute Classifed personnel.
  • Approve employment of Student Workers for 2023-2024.


No questions or discussion.  Sent to vote.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Mike Grady, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board Member

Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board MemberX  
Mr. Mike Grady, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill Hope, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Mr. Dennis Long, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill McFarland, Board MemberX  
Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board MemberX  
Mr. Royden Smith, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Erin Stine, Board Member   
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board MemberX  

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the Constulting Agreement with Learn & Hostetler LLC be approved for consultation and instruction in regard to compliance with Chapter 4723-5 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) and related issued including preparaton for submission of a proposal for new pratical nursing program.


Mr. Smith asked if the amount might go up in the future and Superintendent Nickoli replied that it would not.                    No more questions or discussion.  Sent to vote.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Royden Smith, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Bill Hope, Board Member

Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board MemberX  
Mr. Mike Grady, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill Hope, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Mr. Dennis Long, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill McFarland, Board MemberX  
Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board MemberX  
Mr. Royden Smith, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Erin Stine, Board Member   
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board MemberX  

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

_____________________ moved; seconded by ______________________; that ____________________ and _____________________ be elected as official delegate and alternate respectively from the Pioneer Career and Technology Center Board of Education to the 2023 OSBA Annual Business Meeting and Converence to be held in Columbus, OH November 12-14, 2023 and that expenses be approved according to Section 3315.15 ORC and the Board adopted policy.


Royden Smith moved that Mike Grady and Bill Hope be elected and as official delegate and alternate resp;ectively from the Pioneer Career and Technology Center Board of Education for the 2023 OSBA Annual Business Meeting.  Seconded by Dennis Long.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Royden Smith, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Dennis Long, Board Member

Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board MemberX  
Mr. Mike Grady, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill Hope, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Mr. Dennis Long, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill McFarland, Board MemberX  
Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board MemberX  
Mr. Royden Smith, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Erin Stine, Board Member   
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board MemberX  

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President

Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. NIckoli that we enter into Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee or official..


Dennis Long moved; seconded by Bill Hope to enter into Executive Session at 6:25 pm. 

Dennis Long moved, seconded by Spencer Shipman to return to Regular Session at 7:39 pm.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Bill Hope, Board Member

Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board MemberX  
Mr. Mike Grady, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill Hope, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Mr. Dennis Long, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill McFarland, Board MemberX  
Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board MemberX  
Mr. Royden Smith, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Erin Stine, Board Member   
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board MemberX  

Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board President


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Royden Smith, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board Member

Mrs. Robyn Almanson, Board MemberX  
Mr. Mike Grady, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill Hope, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Morgan Jones, Board MemberX  
Mr. Dennis Long, Board MemberX  
Mr. Bill McFarland, Board MemberX  
Mr. Spencer Shipman, Board MemberX  
Mr. Royden Smith, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Erin Stine, Board Member   
Mr. Douglas Theaker, Board PresidentX  
Mrs. Mary Jean Theaker, Board MemberX