Pioneer CTC Board of Education Conference Room
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
- 6:00pm
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following handbooks be approved for the 2023-2024 school year:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. NIckoli that the contracted services for the 2023-2024 school year be approved as follows:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the attached updated Career Coach job description be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the agreement with Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center (MOESC) SPARC Council for Career Coaches for 2023-2024 be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the College-Credit Plus (CCP) course be approved for the 2023-2024 school year.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following course curriculums be approved commencing with the 2023-2024 school year:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the Career Awareness Use of Funds Plan be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the advertising agreement with Source Brand Solutions for the 2023-2024 school year be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the Avita Health Systems be approved for the Medical Facility for physicals for bus and van drivers for the 2023-2024 school year.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. NIckoli that the following Cafeteria breakfast and lunch costs for the 2023-2024 school year be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following revisions to Policies and Administrative guidelines be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that revisions be made to the hourly pay schedule for employees not covered by the Master Agreement.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following donations be accepted:
Board Policy Section 0164
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following personnel recommedatons be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the Constulting Agreement with Learn & Hostetler LLC be approved for consultation and instruction in regard to compliance with Chapter 4723-5 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) and related issued including preparaton for submission of a proposal for new pratical nursing program.
_____________________ moved; seconded by ______________________; that ____________________ and _____________________ be elected as official delegate and alternate respectively from the Pioneer Career and Technology Center Board of Education to the 2023 OSBA Annual Business Meeting and Converence to be held in Columbus, OH November 12-14, 2023 and that expenses be approved according to Section 3315.15 ORC and the Board adopted policy.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. NIckoli that we enter into Executive Session to consider the employment of a public employee or official..