Pioneer Career and Technology Center Board of Education Meeting

1. Roll Call
Howard Koons, Board President


Result: Approved

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

2. Pledge to the Flag
Howard Koons, Board President

3. Moment of Silence
Howard Koons, Board President

4. Approval of Minutes
Howard Koons, Board President


Result: Approved

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

5. Financial Report
Jerry Payne, Treasurer

5.1 Financial Report
Jerry Payne, Treasurer


Result: Approved

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

6. Recognition of Guests
Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

7. EAP Representative
Rick Stephens, EAP President

8. Public Input

*Board Policy Manual Section BDDH (NEOLA Policy Section 0164)

9. Correspondence
Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

10. Presentation
Mary Lee Barr, Supervisor

11. Reports
Randy Fischer, OSFC Project Owner's Representative

Greg Nickoli, Director of Operations

12. Student Achievement Report
Mary Jean Theaker, Board Member

13. Legislative Liaison Report
Sandra Stone, Board Member

14. The Superintendent's Report
Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

15. Personnel Recommendations
Howard Koons, Board President

12.1  Personnel Recommendations

  12.1-1  Accept retirement resignation of certificated personnel

  • LINDA ZUERCHER, VOSE Instructor/Coordinator effective March 1, 2012

  12.1-2  Approve stipends for certificated personnel.

  • BPA State Fall Leadership Conference, Columbus, OH - November 3 & 4, 2011

   12.1-3  Approve employment of substitute classified staff.

  • Part-time Substitute Lead Teacher and Teacher Aide
  •  Substitute Secretary

  12.1-4  Approve employment of Adult Education instructors.

  • GARY BLY, Diversified Industrial Technology Instructor

  12.1-5  Approve employment of substitute Adult Education classified staff.



Result: Approved

Motioned: Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

Seconded: Jerry Payne, Treasurer

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

16. Adopt New and Revised Board Policies

Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon, that the New and Revised Board Policies from NEOLA be adopted.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

Seconded: Jerry Payne, Treasurer

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

17. Approve replacement to Local Professional Development Committee

Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon, Jim Calhoon, Supervisor; be approved as replacement for Nancy Medley's vacated spot on the LPDC (Local Professioanl Development Committee) effective January 1, 2012 for the remainder of the 2011-2012 term.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

Seconded: Jerry Payne, Treasurer

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

18. Approve Adult Education Course of Study

Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following Adult Education Course of Studies be approved:

  • Administrative Office
  • Computer Office Specialist
  • Nurse Aide
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Medical
  • Welding


Result: Approved

Motioned: Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

Seconded: Jerry Payne, Treasurer

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

19. Approve Revision to Hourly Pay Schedule

Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon to approve houly pay schedule for employees not covered in the Master Agreement based on proposed increase to minimum wage effective January 1, 2012.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

Seconded: Jerry Payne, Treasurer

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

20. Accept Donations

Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that donations as listed, be accepted:

  • Cornell's IGA, 140 Mansfield Avenue, Shelby; donation of forty (40) brown paper bags to our Early Childhood Education Preschool program with an approximate value of $4.  These bags were used by our Early Childhood Education preschoolers.
  • Dutch Maid Logistics, 3377 St. Rt. 224, Willard; donation of axles and miscellaneous parts of an Internation truck to be used for educational puposes by our Career Technical Industrial Diesel program.
  • Midway Inc., 220 Sandusky Street, Monroeville, OH; donation of used parts for training aides in our Industrial Diesel program.
  • Shelby Printing, 325 Martin Drive, P.O> Box 72, Shelby; generous donation of 8 1/2" x 11 2012 Wall Calendars for staff use.
  • Sherwin-Williams Automotive, 325 E. Third St., Mansfield; generous donation of base color and clear coat supplies to be used in Skills USA local contest through Collision Repair Career Technical program with an estimated value of $289.71.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

Seconded: Jerry Payne, Treasurer

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX  

21. Elect Board President Pro-Tem for the January 2012 Organizational Meeting

Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that Howard Koons be elected Board President Pro-tem until the Board elects a President at the Organizational Meeting of Pioneer Career and Technology Center Board of Education to be held Monday, January 16, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the Pioneer Board of Education Conference Room.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

Seconded: Jerry Payne, Treasurer

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of Education  X

22. Adjourn Meeting


Result: Approved

Motioned: Glenna Cannon, Superintendent

Seconded: Jerry Payne, Treasurer

Glenna Cannon, SuperintendentX  
Jerry Payne, TreasurerX  
Becki Kimmel, Secretary, Board of EducationX