Pioneer CTC Board of Education Conference Room
Monday, September 18, 2023
- 7:00pm
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following revisions to job descriptions be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the Strategic Plan Agreement for FY24 be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following donations be accepted:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following students be approved to participate in competitive events:
Board Policy Section 0164
Student Wellness Plan
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following personnel recommendations be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. NIckoli that the attached Memorandum of Understandings be approved for the Career Coach Programs housed within our Partner School Districts.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the adoption of Resolution 14-23 adopting the structural changes to the Ohio Department of Education per Amended Substitute HB 33.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. NIckoli that the Resolutions of Appreciation for the donations be approved as follows:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the resolution to approve the Certificate of Completion of the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission project be adopted.