Superintendent Nickoli reported as follows:
I would like to congratulate our reappointed Board Members. Mr. Mike Grady has been reappointed by the Shelby City Schools Board of Education and Ms. Margie Prater who has been reappointed by the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center Board of Governors. We welcome you back for another three years and we greatly appreciate your service to Pioneer.
I would also like to welcome Ms. Robin Almanson who was appointed by the Crestline Exempted Village Schools as our newest Board Member.
January is Board of Education Appreciation Month, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of our students and staff. You are to be commended for the progress that Pioneer has made toward increasing student learning and improving student achievement. Also, in recognition of that service is a certificate presented by the Ohio School Boards Association signed by Randy Smith, OSBA President and Rick Lewis, OSBA Executive Director.
Planning is well underway for our Spring Break student trip to Washington DC. You have copies of the agenda and cost estimates at your seats. We are hoping to have 24 students and 6 chaperones for this first annual event. Our students are in the process of fundraising to help offset the costs of the trip so I am sure they would greatly appreciate your support.
In the consent agenda, Bricker and Eckler LLP was once again approved as our legal consultant. Nicole Donovsky, a school attorney with Brickler and Eckler LLP has been our legal consultant for the past two years. It is my recommendation that we continue to employ the services of this firm and until we close on the renovation, retain the services of Desmond Cullimore as our Construction Consultant.
Ohio ACTE Legislative Seminar
As was mentioned at our December Board Meeting, the Ohio ACTE Legislative Seminar is scheduled for February 5 & 6. We are scheduling visits throughout the day on February 5. This is a very important opportunity to connect with those legislators who are returning to office but more importantly to educate new Senators and Representatives as to the value of CTE to Ohio’s workforce development efforts.
New Student Visitation
Prospective students will tour our labs on January 29th and 30th. Thursday night, January 30th, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm will be the Open House for new students and their parents. This is a very important time and the beginning of the recruitment cycle for next year.
As in the past, we have scheduled an additional “Second-Look” Open House on Parent Teacher Conference Night on February 26th from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
OSBA Central Region Spring Conference
OSBA Central Region Spring Conference is Wednesday, March 13th at the Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Road, Columbus. We will have a sign-up sheet at the next board meeting.
Ralph Phillips Business Partner of the Year Award
The Business Partner of the Year Award evening will be held on Wednesday, March 14th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. I am pleased to announce that we are collecting some outstanding nominations
I am recommending that you employ Mrs. Valerie Bower as a 12-hour STNA Instructor at Bucyrus High School.
All other personnel items are common for this time year.