Board Office Conference Room
Monday, July 21, 2014
- 7:00pm
Board Policy Manual Section 0164
Recommendation of Supeirntendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following personnel recommendations be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following Adjunct Instructors be approved for the Performing Arts Career Technical program for the 2014-2015 school year:
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that he following cafeteria breakfast and lunch costs for 2014-2015 school year, be approved:
Bill Hope moved, seconded by Mary Jean Theaker that Dennis Leader and Sandra Stone be elected as official delegate and alternate, respectively, from the Pioneer Career and Technology Center Board of Education to the 2014 OSBA Annual Business Meeting and Conference to be held in Columbus, OH November 9-12, 2014 and that expenses be approved according to Section 3315.15 ORC and the Board-adopted policy.
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following Resolution be adopted for the use of blizzard bags as a Calamity Day Alternative Make-up Plan.
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the follow program name change be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following grant be accepted:
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following donations be accepted: