Board Office Conference Room
Monday, June 16, 2014
- 7:00pm
Board Policy Manual Section 0164
Jennifer Economus, Allerton Hill
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the temporary appropriations as presented by Treasurer Linda Schumacher, be approved.
Recommendation of Supeirntendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following personnel recommendations be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the changes to the Hourly Pay Schedule for employees not covered by Master Agreement be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following administrators be approved as Evaluators for Ohio Teacher's Evaluation System (OTES) for the 2014-2015 school year, upon successful completion of the required OTES refresher course.
Approve Glenna R. Cannon, Superintendent as evaluator for the 2014-2015 school year for the Ohio Principal's Evaluation System (OPES).
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the contracted services of Dena Kirby as Supervisor for the 2014-2015 school year through Mid-Ohio Education Service Center be approved.
Recommendaton of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following students be approved for $100 Participation Award for the involvement in the 2014 Migrant Career Exploration Event.
STUDENTS: Haley Banks, Brittany Bowron, Katelyn Bradshaw, Justin Campbell, Jenna Campo, Morgan Collins, Jeremiah Dowell, Lucas Earhart, Erin Evatt, Leanna Gifford, Marissa Kitchin, Katelyn Knight, Jenna Lane, Doug Meadows, Abigail Melton, Nick Myers, Marissa Patrick, Kayla Peters, Augustin Ramirez, Alexis Rhodes, Cierra Roberts, Brooke Rowe, Joe Smith, Taylor Smith, Grace Walker, Alexis Ward, Alexis Washburn and Kyle Wills.
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the Enterprise Zone Compensation agreement be approved with the City of Willard for the Star of the West Milling Company.
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following donations be accepted:
Recommendation of Superintendent Glenna R. Cannon that the following student participation in competitive events be approved:
FCCLA State Officer Meetings, Columbus, June 16-20, 2014
CRESTLINE HS STUDENT: Blake Miller. CHAPERONE: Kris Bruce, Instructor
FCCLA National Leadershi Conference, San Antonio, July 4-11, 2014
CRESTLINE HS STUDENTS: Blake Miller and Kayley Makeever. CHAPERONE: Kris Bruce, Advisor
OATFACS Conference, Columbus, August 3-6, 2014
Enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of following item: