Mr. Kowalski reported as follows:
Pioneer will ensure that all policies are followed in regard to all legal and ethical standards related to the Covid-19 guidelines as set for by state and local authorities. Maintenance staff continue to ensure a clean environment – wiping down all desks and chairs, changing out the filters. Also Mrs. Fighters students assisted in cleaning /sanitizing projects throughout the building. All guidelines followed with remote learning for the students when Richland County reached level “purple” during month of December.
2. Pioneer staff and students will foster a compassionate, responsive
and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, supported
and empowered. Master Teacher training sessions for staff. NTHS donated a basket of games/snacks to Lucas student Riley Gossom and family. Mr. Paullin in Adult Education has been working with the tradesman in conjunction with Crawford County Courts. Looking into expanding the Adult Education CCMA program from 440 hours to 600 hours. Tech Department has been responsive to needs of students during remote learning – replacing computers and providing remote access if needed. Mr. Parr delivered gifts to satellite instructors.
3. Pioneer will ensure the health, security and safety of all students and
staff by responding to current best practices with local and state
agencies. Richland County NAMI presentation to all staff for signs of suicide and mental health awareness. Annual inspection of suppression systems in kitchen and collision repair. Adult Education was able to use CARES Act funding to help make-up hours for students affected by COVID.
4. Pioneer will incentivize innovation by challenging staff and students to
step out of their normal setting in order to expose students to new
and emerging trends and technology. Staff have provided a variety of creative lessons during the remote period. Horticulture – Mrs. Grau delivered material for wreaths and Holiday centerpieces for the students. Drone Class – Mr. Yohe’s students made bamboo Dragonfly propellers. Material Science class created homemade snowflakes (6 sided) same structure as crystals. Math – Ms. Niswander’s class made Italian cookies at home working with ratios and proportions. Also baked pies taking photos using fractions. Career Tech – teachers embraced technology creating video lessons and ZOOMING with the students.
5. Pioneer will sustain financial stability by optimizing current resources,
exploring alternative resources, managing facilities to meet staff,
students and community needs. Crestline, Galion and Shelby Family and Consumer Science teachers received a $1,000 FACTS stipend each for their programs to implement a safety feature related to program. Mrs. Barr worked with Mr. Dichtl - Graphic Arts and Mr. Brown – Collison Repair in the design of school/information logo on new Transit vehicles. Mrs. Barr also worked with Maintenance to repurpose some shelving at Performing Arts.