Community Room
Monday, June 15, 2020
- 7:00pm
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the temporary Appropriations as presented by Treasurer Linda Schumacher, be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following administrators be approved as Evaluators for Ohio Teacher's Evaluation System (OTES) for the 2020-2021 school year, upon successful completion of the required OTES referesher course.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that Shannon Sprang, Supervisor Academics and Student Services, be approved as an evaluator for the Ohio School Counselors Evaluation System (OSCES) for the 2020-2021 school year.
Approve Gregory D. Nickoli, Superintendent as evaluator for the 2020-2021 school year for the Ohio Principal's Evaluation System (OPES).
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following contracted services be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following resolution be adopted for use of blizzard bags as a Calamity Day Alternative Make Up Plan for the 2020-2021 school year.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the attached Agreement for Attendance Services for the 2020-21 School year be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the agreement between Pioneer Adult Education and Knox Community Hospital for Externships for the Phlebotomy and Certified Clinical Medical Assistant programs be approved.
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following donations be accepted:
Board Policy Section 0164
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the following personnel be approved:
Recommendation of Superintendent Gregory D. Nickoli that the agreement with Ohio Heartland CAC Head Start be approved for the 2020-2021 Program Year.